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IWA 7-25-01

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Betty Warren, Carol Heffler, Audrey Delnicki, and John Phillips
STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Richard Muller sitting for Richard Nicholson

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

Chairperson Warren informed Commission members that she had written a letter to Town Attorney Barry Guliano.  There has not been any response yet.

On July 16, 2001 the Town Council had approved the conservation easement ordinance.

SWALPAC had a discussion on July 24, 2001 regarding the proposed Park & Recreation plan for the Priest property.  Jeff and Chairperson Warren met with the Town Manager, Matthew Galligan who asked if the proposed athletic fields could be moved to the southern portion of the Priest property under the transmission lines.  Jeff walked the site and found some wetlands.

Jeff told Commission members that he advised the Town manager that moving the athletic fields to the southern portion of the site would not be a viable option because there would need to be extensive fill plus an Army Corps permit.

Commissioner Phillips expressed his concerns with all open space purchased by the Town being used for the creation of fields.

Chairperson Warren explained that Jeff made up a map of the Barton property and placed the fields proposed for the Priest property onto the map.  All the fields fit nicely with land left over.  This plan will be brought to Town Council for their consideration.

The annual report is due in October, 2001.

ITEM:  Minutes

It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to approve the minutes of June 20, 2001 and July 11, 2001.

ITEM:  Wetland Officers Report

        Attachment A

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Application #01-28P - Willowbrook Golf Course

Mr. Ken Smith came before the Commission to represent this application.  The project is a proposed 18-hole, par 60 golf course located on 85 acres of land east of Brookfield Street.  There is approximately 19,046 square feet of wetlands that are proposed to be impacted.  There is 7.9 acres of upland review that will be disturbed for the construction of tees, greens and fairways.  Approximately 1.3 acres of upland review will also be disturbed for clearing in order to allow air circulation.  Mr. Smith showed Commission members where wetlands and regulated areas are proposed to be disturbed and also explained the reason why.

Mr. George Logan, a Environmental Planner with Ecological Services came before the Commission to report on the long term and short term wetland resources and functions on this site.  The proposed plan has a high possibility of bringing in a net benefit on the environment based on present use.  Mr. Logan reviewed with the Commission the areas proposed to be disturbed and mitigation strategies that will be used on this site.  Although there are some shifts in wetland function, the overall system is not going to change.  Golf courses have progressed in the years using chemicals to preserve some of the enhancement areas such as the greens.  With proper management, the chemicals or fertilizers do not leave the topsoil.

Mr. Ken Smith explained that there were many alternative plans looked at for this site, and all the others had a much greater impact on the wetlands.  While there is erosion that naturally takes place now, it will be almost completely eliminated.  This is felt to be an economical benefit to the Town, by preserving all the space, creating jobs and recreational facilities.

Jeff explained that his concern on this site is runoff.  Mr. Smith has done re-grading of the site so that water will not run off into adjacent residences, but  more aggressive slope protection will be necessary.  There will be an active retrieval program for balls that are hit into the ponds/river on this site.  Near the river they will probably put conifer plantings along the river edge with more of a dense hedge.

As far as erosion and sedimentation control measures that will be taking place, there has been a series of temporary sediment basins installed.  Silt fence check dams should also be installed which will allow water to flow through them, but slow the flow down if they are constructed close enough together in order to allow the seed to take hold in the upper and flatter portions of the golf course.  This will slow run off going towards the slopes to a point where slope treatments that are devised will be adequate to get some type of vegetation established.  Jeff also said he concurs with Mr. Logan on the functional values of the wetlands on the site.  This site has been subject to repeated intrusions by sediment and chemicals from agricultural activities.  This has compromised the diversity of wildlife and functional values of this site.  The golf course will have a net benefit on the Podunk watershed.  The main corridor of the Podunk is considered to be a valuable resource, which has been brought to Mr. Kelly
Chairperson Warren read a memo from Commission Kelly who could not attend the meeting.  Her main concern is stability during construction. Also another concern is that clearing will  leave a very abrupt transition from the greens to the forested edge.  Commissioner Kelly feels the creation of a shrub type transition is needed to provide habitat.  A buffer should also be created from the woodlands/wetlands.  Mr. Kelly explained that Jeff will be constructing a list of seedlings that can be used in these areas for transition.

Commission members discussed the continuation of the public hearing and decided that the following is a list of what they would want to hear at the next scheduled meeting:

Clarification of erosion and sedimentation measures that will be used.
More definitive mitigation.
Best management practices being entailed.
A listing of the mixture of shrubs for the edges that will be appropriate.

The public hearing was continued until August 15, 2001.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      Adjourn the meeting at 9: 11 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Heffler
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted

__________________________                ________________________
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary                Date Approved